Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sexy Time

A few years ago my friend Ann and I went on an over-night trip to Toronto. We got to our hotel, unpacked and decided to explore the city. We did some shopping, ate great food and went back to our room to change into our bathing suits to soak in the jacuzzi.
We got in the jacuzzi, sat cracking my gum 2,000 cracks a second and Ann laughing so loud the other people in the jacuzzi got annoyed and left. We didn't care about the stares and sighs the 4 strangers were giving us. We were having fun and relaxing. After upsetting the pool area we wen't into the sauna to dry off.
We went back to our room so relaxed and tired from the full day we had. Ann took a shower and came out in her sweatsuit pj's. I went in to take my shower and came out in a sexy nightgown.
Ann took one look at me and said..."if I knew we were on our honeymoon I would have at least done my hair."
We still laugh about that today.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Remember when I told you the lady that lives across the street moved out because she would sleep in her car? The plot thickens. Last night I was talking to the neighbor that lives next door to her.

Let's back this story up a few days...

Monday a Uhaul came to remove her belongings. Tuesday a junk truck came and took more things. Thursday a cleaning company came and they've been there everyday since.

The neighborhood instigator (you know you have one too) and I were talking and he told me this...

The lady (let's call her Debbie) had 3 dogs and never let them out in the 10 years she lived there. Her house was completely unlivable. The people couldn't come in the house to clean for 2 days because of the stench. I was wondering why the windows were open. The house has signs on it that say "CONDEMNED! DO NOT ENTER!" The bank took her house and doubt they can ever clean it good enough to sell it. The neighborhood instigator said he could smell it from his house. He's hoping that the mice and bugs don't invade his house since they have no where to go. I'm scared too. I had a mouse a couple of weeks ago. I killed it. I wonder if it was from her house.

So, the lovely lady that I really liked (and still do) was a stank. Who would have known? Now there's another vacant house in our sub. That makes 6. Here is my worry. The houses are now selling so cheap...the people that can afford to buy these houses are going to start moving in. Those are the same people that park on their lawns, set up BBQ's on the front porch and think it's ok to BUMP their music early Sunday morning and honk their horns.

They said "uh ohh there goes the neighborhood" when we moved in. Looks like we're going to be saying it next. Time to move.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ripped and Limped

There is a limit when working out. The picture shown is an image of someone I never want to look like. There is nothing cute about this woman. First of all where are her boobies?

The gym I work out at is a "Judgement Free Zone" and they don't let you forget about it. It's posted all over the place. The crazy part is that on the first Monday of the month they serve pizza. It's not pizza with mushrooms or olives it's the kind of pizza that has a pool of grease in the middle surrounded by bacon, pepperoni's and ham. Thank GOD I don't like pizza. It looks very good and everyone eats it. There are empty pizza boxes by the dozens filling trash cans like nobody's business. I'm not quite understanding this concept. Why don't they give away free bottles of water or protein drinks? Gatorade? No, this place goes for the gusto...I think it would be cheaper to just lay out a tray of Snickers and Milky Ways. Good thing I don't run the place.

Other than all you can eat pizza Monday's, I love that place. I go in full of energy and leave limping. There isn't much I can do there but what I can, I do. If I could cut my left leg off at the hip I would be much happier. When I walk I have to talk to myself. I say "don't limp...Pam, don't limp." Walking out of the gym I limp. I don't care. On a pain scale of 1-10 with 10 being the pain would be in the 70 range.

I ride the bike (the one's with the back support) and I walk on the treadmill. I can't wait for the days when I can jump on the stairmaster. It's a goal I have.

I never want a six pack...hell, I never want a 1 pack I just want to look good in my clothes. My smaller clothes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ever have someone tell you a joke that wasn't funny but you laughed? What about smiling? Ever fake a smile? Someone slaved over a hot stove only to taste the dish and it was really bad? Did you tell them it was good or did you throw it in the garbage and tell them it sucked? Guilty of all of the above. I am. If this is a crime...I'm on my way to jail.
Are you being fake or dishonest? Maybe so. Maybe both. Did you do it so the other person wouldn't have hurt feelings? I bet you did.
Next time someone asks if you would like a pound of lard gravy over your 3 lb porterhouse tell them yeah. Why not drop dead of a heart attack so you don't hurt someone's feelings.

Christian Siriano for Payless

Simply stunning. I ran across this picture and loved the heel on each pair of these shoes. Christian Siriano? Sounds Italian doesn't it? I clicked the picture and what came up? An ad from Payless Shoe Source. What's going on? I checked and rechecked. Yep, Payless. Home of BOGO.
I may have to go to a local Payless and check these kick ass shoes! No pun intended.