A few years ago my friend Ann and I went on an over-night trip to Toronto. We got to our hotel, unpacked and decided to explore the city. We did some shopping, ate great food and went back to our room to change into our bathing suits to soak in the jacuzzi.
We got in the jacuzzi, sat around...me cracking my gum 2,000 cracks a second and Ann laughing so loud the other people in the jacuzzi got annoyed and left. We didn't care about the stares and sighs the 4 strangers were giving us. We were having fun and relaxing. After upsetting the pool area we wen't into the sauna to dry off.
We went back to our room so relaxed and tired from the full day we had. Ann took a shower and came out in her sweatsuit pj's. I went in to take my shower and came out in a sexy nightgown.
Ann took one look at me and said..."if I knew we were on our honeymoon I would have at least done my hair."
We still laugh about that today.