We have a beautiful 2.5 attached garage. The problem is not even the .5 part will hold a car. I once tried parking my mothers car in it and I broke the house. There is so much junk in the garage there isn't room for a molecule to float around. One time a fly went in the garage and said there was too much stuff in there. If you need anything you can find it in my garage. You need a harmonica? Yep, it's in my garage. You need 98 pairs of shoes? I got em. Looking for a table and chairs? Got em right here. I have every lawn gadget they make...you guessed it...in my garage. I have luggage, bikes, a raft, rakes, paint, turtle wax, a giant Tweety Bird from the State Fair 3 years ago and anything else you can imagine. I just wish my car would fit in there. That is what a garage is for isn't it?
We have 3 TV's and two DVD players...I won't bore you with the rest of the stuff but let's face it...I can't get rid of the junk. Garbage days have came and went. Garage sale seasons have gone by (about 4 of them) and the stuff just keeps on sitting there.
I would love to jump in my car this winter and not have to scrape the windows. I would love to get into a nice warm car. I would love to put Workmen's Comp in my car and let the engine run with the garage door closed. I can't.
Even though I am broken from toe to neck I am dedicating this week to cleaning out my garage and having a free for all via Craigslist. If there is anything you need let me know because chances are I have it. I would rather you come and get it and not a stranger.
So, if you lost a shoe on the freeway I just might have the match.
I'm looking for a Porsche to improve my image. you got one in there?
Do you have the little piece of tooth that broke off when you lead me into a wall in there?
Do you have any peach Hi-C in there?
My shoe! You've got my shoe!!
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