Friday, December 19, 2008

Bye Bye Neighbor

The nicest lady across the street was having money woes last winter. She was/is a real estate broker and complained how bad the market was. All summer we would see each other and chit chat and she would always tell me that she wasn't doing well but she was hanging on. She lived in her house for 20 years.
A week ago someone complained she was sleeping in her car. The police came over and spoke to Bobby. They asked if we've seen her sleeping in her car. We didn't know anything about it. She was so nice. If there was a problem we would have tried helping her. She could have slept in our house. Turns out her heat and lights were turned off.
She has 3 dogs. Two Yorkies and a huge Bull Mastif. She left the dogs in the house for a week. The police came by again and told her to take the dogs out of the house. She did.
Today there are two big pink signs on her house that read "DANGER CONDEMNED!"
I looked in her windows while I was looking at the sign (cuz I'm nosey) and the house is totally empty.
Her mailbox was so full the mail won't fit in the box anymore and it's all over everyone's lawn. Since it was windy for two days her mail has been flying around the block.
I feel bad for her. I hope she's ok.


Alisa said...

That is a truly sad story. I hope she's okay, too.

wildmary said...

That's so sad. Too bad she didn't feel like she could ask for help. I know I'm going to think of her a lot the next few days. But that doesn't help her...