Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Have a Story to Tell and it Goes a Little Something Like This...

Fanchon was my friend. She's in a shitload of trouble now but that's neither here nor there. Fanchon came to my house to do a story about my dog Chloe. That's another story in itself.
So, Fanchon and I became friends. I had a purse business and she would buy purses from me. Not one or two purses but LOTS of purses. She would drive to my job, come to my house and get her fill of purses. She was so nice and pretty. She would pull up to the door of my workplace and I would come out and jump into her beautiful black Jag with black tinted windows and we'd do business. People saw me outside with Fanchon and were impressed.
I went out of the purse selling business. I stopped seeing Fanchon.
My husband and I went to eat at Beans and Cornbread. Fanchon was there. A circle was made around her. They wanted to talk to her...get her autograph...take a picture with her. I stayed in my booth with my husband eating. After the crowd of people thinned out around her, she came up to me. "Pam?" I looked at her and said "yeah." She got a huge smile on her face, opened her arms and said "FANCHON!"
Who's the star now?

1 comment:

Dennis said...

You rock! Too bad she didn't let you in on the sludge haulin' deal.