When we were younger everyone said that Adidas stood for All Day I Dream About Sex.
So, my new white sneakers and I went out tonight. The shoes are so brand new and crease free I didn't even want to walk in them but I did and I stepped in Bebe's doo-doo. I rushed back in the house and cleaned them off. I don't even want them anymore. Ya know how something happens to your car then you hate your car? This happened to my shoes. I hate them now. They've been tainted.
I put them on my shoe rack and they'll sit there until I forget I stepped in dog doo.
I named my new shoes "Run DMC" which now means Run! DooDoo Might Come!
If Adidas means what you say it means then it soul be spelled B-O-Y-S. I hope you took the shoe strings out, Your doo doo misdorture was brought on cuz you broke the unwritten dress code.
should not soul
misfortune not misdorture
The buttons and screen on my Touch are small.
Or, Dennis, you're drunk :-)
You busted me Alisa.
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