Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hello Old Friend

I've been looking for an old girlfriend for over 20 years. Last night she found me. When I saw her name asking me to become friends on Facebook I quickly accepted. My smile was so big my cheeks hurt. After talking to her for a few minutes I told Bobby, I called my sister, texted 2 friends and told my mom. I was so happy! We talked and talked. When we said our good-byes I grabbed Bebe in my arms and told him how happy I was that I found my old friend. I asked him if he was happy for me...I'm still waiting for his answer.
Since we were young and her family moved we lost touch. Nowadays you can find anyone anytime but back then you couldn't find anyone never.
So, we talked and talked and come to find out she lives 4 miles away from Alisa. I find this amazing.
I cannot wait to see my old friend.
I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

1 comment:

Dave said...

That is cool. I however try to avoid all my old girlfriends if I can help it. :)