Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Polishing Pipes

Our subdivision is getting new pipes or sewers or something. Liquiforce has been here for 2 months. They work from early morning until late in the night. There are 15 huge trucks and machines that look like they're digging for oil. The stench is coming through our pipes and drains in the kitchen and bathroom. The water pressure will be strong then weak. It's annoying but not as bad as our power going out everyday. The power goes out just long enough to make every clock in the house blink 12:00. Why does everything have a digital clock attached to it?

The other day as I was driving out of the sub, there was a huge rubber drain thingy in the middle of the road. I didn't know if I could drive over it or not. I didn't want to stop the flow of whatever was flowing through. I waited until I saw someone and they said it was ok to drive over it.

Today the same rubber thingy was in the middle of the road and I drove over it. The guy waved and yelled at me.

I told him to stop turning the power off and get his rubber out of the street. He laughed like "OK, that's only the 3,478th time I've heard that."


Dave said...

He counds very well endowed!

Dennis said...

I wish I was getting my pipes cleaned.