Thursday, September 18, 2008

The A List

This is a picture of a prison bakery. Funny huh? Where is OJ Simpson? He must have been on break.

I cannot stand Martha Stewart. She's a bad speaker. She is a bad dresser and I hear she's mean as hell to her employees. K-mart and Macy's carry her "designer" name. To me she's boring.

I listen to her daughter and her daughters friend. They have a radio show on Sirius. They talk about Martha like a dog on there and I love every minute of it. Her daughter's name is Alexis and her friends name is Jennifer. Alexis sounds exactly like Sandra Bernhart (how ever she spells her last name) and her friend Jennifer has a whiny voice. They are funny as hell. The show is called "Whatever" with Alexis and Jennifer. The show talks about "Whatever." People call in and they talk about things that aren't important. The show is 2 hours long and it's very entertaining.

Back to Martha. She has a magazine, 3 TV shows, her blogs are as fun as reading a blank book and her line of items at Macy's and K-mart sell look like trash. Poorly made and expensive as hell.

I thought she was a criminal. Why are people ohhhing and ahhhing over her? To me...she's like Rosie O. I don't know why - they just remind me of each other. What I'm trying to say is that she's not so nice. She served time but that doesn't erase what she's done. I don't like her one bit. Have you noticed?

Michael Jackson...not even going to mention him. Sadaam Hussain...dead.

OJ Simpson (not pictured) is in deep sha noo noo. I hope he goes to jail forever. We all know he killed Nicole and Frank, Jack, Bill...whatever his name is. If he doesn't go to jail this time I'm moving outta the USA. Things aren't fair. There are honest people out there that have a little blemish on their file but can't find a job. I think the A list people that make "mistakes" shouldn't be allowed to let the world know it's ok and we support them. All of us don't get the same treatment. Does money talk? You bet your sweet boody it does.

I'm going to go out and cause a major disturbance, make the cover of USA Today, Wall Street Journal and maybe make the cover of Time Magazine. Then I'll come out with my own line of patio furniture. I'll be forgiven. I'll be famous.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

About Martha: Did you know that the US government spent $9 million to try her for the crime of saving $40,000. This doesn't include the expence of keeping her in jail for a year. That's the bargain of getting vengence (I mean justice).