Thursday, September 11, 2008


Am I sick to be so facinated by hurricanes? I love them. Don't get me wrong I feel bad for what they do and the people they hurt/kill but the fact that a hurricane is coming is so exciting! I've never been in a hurricane but I can bet if I lived in a place that has them I'd be tired of it's distruction. It's an expensive love. Not for me but the people it effects. It must be hard to evacuate so many times. Board up your house, hide or take the valuables, the pets, gas up the car and run for your life during August, September and October only to find out it was a wimpy tropical storm.
Come to find out...I'm not the only one that shares this passion. There are many weather freaks out there. I love violent weather. Give me a tornado, a bad thunderstorm, a huge ice storm and a monsoon anytime. I think I could handle it. I was in one bad bad storm once and I loved it. It was so scarry because you are helpless but you know you're safe. Strange isn't it? Why do people stay when the authorities tell you to leave? I never understood that.
Let me tell you about the storm I was in. I lived in Detroit on Lindsay and no one was home. The girls were with their grandmother, Bobby was at work and my mom was at her house. We had a huge German Shepherd named Reggie and all of a sudden the sky got real dark. It was late afternoon but looked like it was in the middle of the night. The sirens were blaring and you couldn't hear a sound. I grabbed Reggie, a bottle of water and we scooted downstairs. I hate basements. I don't know which one scared me worst - the basement or the storm itself. It started raining real hard and the wind was whipping the trees against the house. The thunder was so loud and deep you could hear and feel it on the floor. There was a tiny little storage closet in the basement that had room for either me or Reggie but not both. Of course I stuffed myself in it and just waited. I heard the phone ring. The phone was upstairs. YIKES! What if someone was calling me because they were in trouble. I unstuffed myself out of the closet and ran upstairs like I was on fire, grabbed the cordless phone and flew back downstairs 3 steps at a time and stuffed myself back in the closet. I missed the call but thanks to caller ID I saw the number and before I could figure out who it was the phone rung again. "Hello" I answered. "Hi Pam (said Brandi) I'm just calling to make sure you're alright. Are you scared? Is everything ok?" A tear came to my eye. This 12 year old girl who is frightened by storms called me - a grown woman to make sure I was alright and I never thought about calling her or her sister to see if they were ok. BTW, I still feel bad to this day. After we talked for a few I told her I was in the basement with Reggie and we were fine. blah blah blah and we hung up. My mom didn't call me, my husband didn't call me but my 12 year old daughter called and made sure I was ok. That was the sweetest phone call I've ever received. Minutes later I came out to see if the sky had gotten lighter but it didn't. I felt dumb sitting in a closet so I got out and decided to do some wash while I was downstairs. All of a sudden lightning struck the cable box and it caught on fire right above the window. Thank God it was raining so hard because the rain put the little fire out. It was a scarry storm and it passed. Come to find out there was a tornado in Detroit and it tore apart someones garage but everyone was fine.
Weather is exciting.

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