Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog for Blog

I like writing my Blogs. I have no idea who made this up. Why didn't they call it an e-journal? What is a "Blog." What does it mean? When I type the word blog in an e-mail the word gets highlighted, red lines form under it and spell check goes crazy. Did you mean "log, bog, belong, oblong?" It's annoying. My spelling and punctuation sucks already. I don't need the extra headache of spell check trying to fix something I know is right.

I started out reading my sisters blog. It's so funny. She writes so great. Her words just flow and I love reading her entries. I recently got some more links to other people's blogs and I must say. It's so entertaining. Dennis is SO funny. Daves pictures are awesome. Why don't more people that I know blog? It's nice to write random things. I enjoy thinking of things to write during the day.

At first I was in awe of Facebook. Finding friends I haven't seen or spoken to in so long. Since I've been blogging I haven't gone on Facebook in a long time.

My first real computer experience in the early 90's made me an addict. We had it at work and I would stay after work and just be an internet junkie. I would really rack up the overtime hours. Everyone left for the day and I was still in my office scanning through webpages and learning all I could about being online. It was great!

My friend Ann doesn't know how to turn on a computer let alone type or find out some info. She calls me or asks her 11 year old daughter. There is an entire world in here. Unlimited info and fun. When people ask what you would take if you were stranded on an island...my answer would be A COMPUTER! Does the island have electricity? Do they make a crank up computer? Solor powered? Who ever plans on being in a deserted island? Actually...that's a dumb question!


Alisa said...

Blog = Web + Log.


Pamela Larkin said...

Ahhh...very interesting and so easy to figure out. Duh. Don't I feel stupid!

Dave said...

They do make a wind-up computer, it's made for developing countries: http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptop/. However, whether or not you'd have internet service on that island...