Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Back!

You didn't know I was gone but I'm back. I'm happy to be home. I'm happy to be sitting in front of my computer telling you this story.

Thursday night I answered an ad to work on Sunday. In Detroit. For the Obama Rally. That night I was on my way to North Carolina.
How did I get there you say? I wasn't planning this trip. I had no urge to go to North Carolina but there I was. Guys with gold teeth everywhere. Accents thick as stew. Beautiful scenery and nice people. We were in the bible belt.
I used to sell Obama pins/buttons for this functioning drunk named Bill. I found him in June. At Hart Plaza. I sold pins for him and made a ton of money in just 3 hours. It was fun! I was addicted to the money. Bill asked me to sell glow sticks for him at local fireworks. I did. The money was great! Easy work. I get to use my loud mouth. Money flows in.
Bill and I got into an arguement because I asked him to give me some buttons to sell in Farmington for the Obama rally and he told me to stay in my place as a seller. Don't be his secretary. I was just trying to help him. He got offended. He must have been drunk.
Bill called me sweet as pie to work at the McCain rally at Freedom Hill. I worked. The Republicans - not as nice as the Democrats - not as fun - were so stuffy and snobby. They were cheap. Most of them came to the rally wearing suits and dresses. How fun is that? Amongst 3,000 people there was one black couple and everyone looked at them like they had the plague. Even me.
Bill called me to work at the Grand Rapids Rally. He never called me back with the details. I was done with Bill. This past weekend I found out that Bill was a crackhead. All the money we were making was going to his addiction. I shouldn't care because I got my cut of the profits but Bill drove from state to state selling these buttons and making serious cash. Enough to retire until the next election but he loved his drink and smoke too much. Dumb ass Bill.
While working for Bill I met some 31 year old Hippies. Man (Daniel) and wife (Casey.) SO nice and so cool. They don't drink. Do drugs. They both sport dredlocks. They were a perfect cute couple. They were all about money. The wife did henna tattoos. The man sold Obama tee shirts. They would be at every rally. Bill knew them from traveling around. Told them I was his best seller.
Thursday night I answered an ad to work at the Obama rally on Sunday in Detroit. Turns out the ad was posted by Dennis the Hippie. He was so happy he found me. I was so happy I found him. He told me he was planning on stealing me from Bill next time he saw me. Dennis asked me what I was doing tonight. I told him going to sleep pretty soon since it was 9:30 p.m. He told me to get up. Come to their hotel room and go to North Carolina with them for an Obama rally. I asked a million questions. Bobby drove me to where they were and we left. We drove to Columbus first to pick up the merchandise. We slept there. Then off to NC! It was SO fun. In a minivan sat Nicole from Miami, Bob from California, Louis from the Bahama's and yours truly. All of the greatest sellers from around the globe that he's picked up here and there during his travels. We had a blast. Eating at gas stations. Seeing the sights. Making jokes and just being carefree. We drove through boring Ohio, West Virginia and beautiful Virginia. OH GOD I LOVE THAT PLACE! We got to Greensboro, NC and settled in a nice room. Nicole and I in one room and the guys in the other. Nicole and I bonded right away in Ohio. She is such a sweet person. We set up the next day and sold our butts off. We pounded the pavement. We talked to so many nice southerners. The people so excited to see Obama. Us so excited to take their money. The speech Obama made gave me goosebumps. He spoke - they had speakers so the entire city could hear. There were about 10,000 people at this rally and the entire city was quiet while he spoke. It was truly a life moving experience. Someone passed out in the front row. Obama stopped his speach until EMS came to make sure they were alright. A true gentleman. 30 Secret Servicemen on top of all the tall buildings holding huge guns...scanning the audience. Police everywhere. The moment was so intense. History. Ya gotta love it.
After the speech we sold buttons like crazy. People were crying. People were holding hands. People were hugging. I stood there amazed.

We packed up drove to the airport and flew back home. My entire trip was paid for by Dennis. My food was paid for. I came home with money. I saw part of the United States that I've never seen before and was paid for it. Life is grand.
Nicole slept at my house that night. She has been traveling with Dan for weeks. Sleeping in hotel rooms. No clean clothes. No real food. I guess the Hippies don't wash clothes. They bought new ones when the clothes were too dirty to wear anymore.
I washed Nicoles clothes, I gave her my daughters bed to sleep in (she was sleeping at a friends house that night.) I made her comfy and she was so greatful!
Next day we woke up and headed downtown for the Detroit Rally. Since Obama has been to Detroit so many times no one needed anymore pins or tee-shirts. We didn't make that much money but it was still fun. Obama has such a way with speaking. He moves the crowd. He appeals to so many. Our "Republicans for Obama" pins sold out.
After the Detroit Rally Dan asked me to go with them to Reno, California and Oregon tonight. All expense paid. Just come and sell. I really thought about it. How often do you get an offer like that? I don't think I'll be going but I may change my mind in the last hours. I love money and I love to travel. We leave tonight and come back Wednesday. It's tempting. I may just ditch the family and hop on a flight to Reno tonight.
Next out...Pam is opening up her own business!

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