Wednesday, September 24, 2008

That's MINE!

This picture has nothing to do with this story. I just liked it. Funny isn't it?

I've been fighting again. This time it was for a good reason. Last week Briana wanted to go see her school -vs- the other schools football team. It was Friday night. I dropped her off so she could meet her friends there. I gave her my OAA Pass (Oakland Athletic Association) you & another person get into any Oakland Athletic game for free. Money is tight and I couldn't afford the $10.00 ($5 for the game plus $5 to eat the junk they sell.)

At the ticket booth they told her to show her pass at the gate. She did. They took the pass. I had to go through hell and high water to get that pass. That pass gets me into all of her Volleyball games for free. They are supposed to look at the pass and give it back to her. They kept it. She text messaged me "Pam, they took and kept the pass." I was long gone already and didn't feel like going back again. I did my grocery shopping then headed back to get my daughter and my pass.

I went to the ticket booth. They directed me to the gate. I asked the gate people where my pass was. They told me they didn't know. I started to feel my anger boiling. "WHO THE PASS THAT YOU TOOK FROM MY DAUGHTER????"

They rushed to find out who took it.

The Athletic Director came to the gate to speak to me.

ME: You have my pass and I'd like it back.
AD: You know kids aren't allowed to use the pass.
ME: I didn't know that.
AD: I'm really not allowed to give it back to you.
ME: OH yeah? I really think you should give it back to me.
AD: Where did you get it from?
ME: Listen, I don't want to cause problems. Please give me my pass back.
AD: I was just wondering where you got it from.
ME: I'm Rona Glenn's....
ME: If you would let me finish my sentance I was going to tell you I'm Rona Glenn's secretary at Oak Park High School. THAT'S HOW I GOT THE PASS!
AD: OH cuz I knew you weren't Rona Glenn. I know Rona Glenn. She's the AD at Oak Park High School. She's black. I just knew you weren't....
ME: Would you please be quiet and give me back my pass?
AD: All you had to do was say where you got the pass from.
ME: Listen lady...I don't know your name. I really don't care who you are. You took my OAA pass and I want it back right now. I have things to do and I don't feel like standing here arguing with you.
AD: Well, you know I'm not supposed to give it back to you.
ME: I'll tell you what. If you don't give it back to me we're going to be having
problems that are way bigger than an OAA pass. I suggest you give it back to me right now or I'll make this entire football game stop playing. Trust me on this.

I got my pass back.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

DO NOT mess with the sis.