Monday, September 8, 2008

It's time you learned about me

This is me, this is my blog and these are my opinions and mine only. I may not spell correctly, use proper puncuation or even use words that mean anything but that makes me. I don't judge people. Everyone is equal. Everyone is entitled to thier opinion. We learned that a long time ago and I'm making sure it's still true today. I have a lot to say (I always did and I always will.) I am not stuck up, racist or ignorant...I am blunt. I never mean to hurt anyone I just state the facts. If I don't like something-you will be the first to know. I have learned to be this way because it makes me a better person inside. I don't stress, I don't let things linger and I make sure I am happy at all times. I don't let people bother me and I let a lot slide by. I don't think it makes me a bad person. Don't get me wrong. I am caring, honest and I love. I give people too many chances because I understand mistakes, accidents and just plain ole frustration. I expect the same.
What makes me tick?
I enjoy alone time. I enjoy my friends and family. I love to gamble and I love to shop. If I'm not gambling or shopping I love being outside. I hate cleaning, I'm lazy and I'm rude.
I try to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend that I can be. I don't have a bank account, I don't have a credit card and I don't work but some how I always have money. Thanks to my crafty way of always finding something to sell or finding a hussle I keep money in my pocket at all times. My husband and mom help me out ALL of the time. Without them I would be laying in the gutter. Soon, I will be getting a large amount of money and I will make sure the people that helped me during my struggle will be highly compensated for all they've done for me. I keep my word.
I hate letting people down. It bothers me.
I don't think I have ever spent the entire day in the house. I must move and I must go.
If I'm not driving - I don't feel safe.
I don't drive on bridges.
If you are in need you can always call me. I make sure I deliver.
You can always count on me.
I don't cry easily.
I never really knew my dad but I've been told I'm just like him from my shape to my ways.
I'm stubborn and love to argue my point.
I forget a lot.
I like to make people laugh.
I admire my sister.
My husband is the smartest person I know and I can always count on him.
My sister is always there for me.
Don't sweat the petty the sweaty stuff.


Alisa said...

Whew! I am looking forward to this one! I hope you write every day, sometimes twice!

Love, Sis

Susan said...

I have really enjoyed reading this.

I hope you continue to write.
