Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are you sure you want to go there?

1. That picture above is Tupac Shakur. He was a rapper/singer.
2. If you are white don't wear Apple Bottoms. We don't have an Apple Bottom.
3. Don't walk around saying slang words that you don't know the meaning.
4. Don't say "fo sheezy my neezy"
Today - 2 guys broke all of the rules.
I was at Meijer. There were two white guys. Both had their pants hanging way below regulation. I could see their boxers. Both had on Doo-Rags. White boys can't get waves. It wasn't cute. They were old enough to know better. I wanted to tell them.
There is nothing "ghetto" or "hard" about shopping at Meijer but they were trying. I was in the soup isle - they were too. I went in the bread department - they were too. I was sick of looking at them and sick of hearing them. Did that ever happen to you? There was a screaming kid that came in the same time you did and you just happen to be in the same place at the same time your entire shopping trip? Annoying I tell ya!
I wanted to tell these guys something so bad. They looked dumb and every word that came out of their mouths were equally as dumb. They called tuna fish "whack." They said they were going to steal bacon.
At first I was amused at them. I looked at them up and down several times trying to figure them out but I couldn't. Was one of them shopping for their mom? Did they live together? What was their story?
After a few spins down aisle 1, 2 and 3 one of them starting getting a pimp walk in aisle 4. I guess cereal does that to you. The words were on the tip of my tongue but I forced them not to come out. Something very hard for me to do.
Then they did it. Yep, right in front of my eyes. I almost fell on the floor at Meijer. I could hear the lady over the loud speaker "Earl clean up in aisle 8. Lady on the floor" You got it...aisle 8 ohhh you better know what you're doing in aisle 8. Like a person that just had gastrointestinal surgery going down cake, frosting, pudding row. You just don't go to certain places. For those of you that don't know aisle 8 is the Kosher food section. That's what aisle 8 is for. YIKES...what were these two clowns doing around matzo meal, shabbot candles and gefilte fish? Surely, they made a wrong turn. Nope...they didn't. I guess even the toughest gangsters from da' hood get a craving for Halvah once in a while. The one with the pimp walk told the other that "Halvah is da bomb."
"Earl, clean up in Aisle 8...for real this time."

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