Friday, September 12, 2008


Right now as you read and I write - I am in the midst of a migrane headache. I get them two or three times a year. It's so humid out and my hair is one big curl. If I look in the mirror right now I wouldn't be able to see it because the start of my migrane is having blind spots when I try to look at something. Seems like someone took my picture with a really bright flash and my eyes can't adjust. I would never make it as a model. I also see wavy lines in the corners of my eyes. At first it used to scare me but now I welcome the warning signs. I lay down and wait for the headache to come.
Sometimes the headache is so bad it makes me sick to my stomach and I'm out of commission or sometimes it's just a mild headache and goes away fast with a short nap. Looking at the computer screen doesn't help at all but I already took my 2:00 p.m. nap and don't feel like laying down right now. I've been watching Hurricane Ike on CNN. I think I have a headache? Texas is having a bigger one. I can't keep my eyes off CNN and The Weather Channel. It's amazing what Mother Nature is doing. Not an Advil nor a Tylenol can help them right now. Don't worry Texas they don't help me either.
Let's ride the waves together.

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