Friday, September 19, 2008

Did We Catch You?

I think we caught our little friend. The trap snapped shut. Who's going to go up there and get it? Not me. I wasn't scared to put the trap up there but I'm sure as hell scared to go see what we caught. I don't hear the cage moving around. Wouldn't it sound like something was trying to get out? Did the animal take the bacon and scram? Should we wait until we smell something rotting? Should we wait until maggots, flys and worms start appearing on our ceiling?
I'm going to Home Depot and getting some heavy duty, thick as hell, metal finger gloves. Then I'm going to get a suit of armour and make my husband put it all on and send him up there. What if the family of the animal we caught is standing there around the cage, in a row, arms crossed tapping their feet waiting for Bobby? Maybe Bebe will go up first this time. I would rather he got mulled. We can always get another dog but I can't take the chance I'll find another rich husband. WOW, that was funny...I hope he isn't reading this.
When I find out what was caught i'll report back to you. You might get something in the mail... an invitation for a nice Coon dinner with all the fixin's.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I can see what was making all the noise banging on your roof. That squirrel lives in my neighborhood too; or he's over here to visit his mistress.