Monday, September 29, 2008

I Kicked A Mouse to Death

We went grocery shopping today. We took Bebe. He waited in the car. When we got home Bebe ran to make a pee-pee. After he was done with his business he started playing with something in the grass. Everytime his paw went out to touch the thing he would jump back. It was cute until I walked over to see what he was playing with. A MOUSE! YIKES! If I was holding a broom and a chair was around I would have jumped on it and screamed. The mouse was about 2 inches big and his tail was about 5 feet long. He was little and gray. Bebe licked it.
After I threw up 76 times because I love to kiss Bebe - those days are over unless he gets a lip transplant. The mouse was limping. His little arm, paw, mouse claw was injured. He was making a little mouse sound. Bebe was loving it. He was putting his paw on the mouse and having the time of his life. Finally, Bebe found something smaller than himself and he was going to enjoy torturing it.
I kicked the mouse 3 times because:
1. I didn't want him to find the inside of my house.
2. I didn't want Bebe to eat it.
3. I didn't want it to bite Bebe.
4. Should I go on listing reasons?
Yeah, I kicked the mouse. Call PETA, Humane Society, Oakland County Animal Shelter, Michael Vick...
I killed him. I was sad for about .1 seconds.
He's in a better place. I'm a killer.


Dennis said...

You just finished the job Bebe started; how compassionate of you to euthanize a poor creature. Now say 10 "Hail Maries", light a votive candle and put an offering in the offering box and you will receive absolution.

There's a thing about mice; they have large families. You probably don't have to worry too much as long as it's dry outdoors. They don't come into the house until there's a big rain. Bebe can hardly wait.

Dave said...

I moused a kick to death once. So I know how you feel.