Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Loved Lucy

3 years ago we decided to get a small dog. I looked and looked. I scanned the website for months. I answered ads on Craigslist, newspapers and even went to the city office to see if there were any postings. You could say I was obsessed!

Finally, after adding my name to the long list at the shelters of people wanting to adopt a small dog someone called me from the Bloomfield Hills Animal Shelter. There was an elderly couple that had a poodle mix they couldn't take care of anymore. They couldn't walk her and didn't have the energy to play with her. I called the number the shelter gave me to talk to Lucy's owners.

My friend Ann was with me when I called. They asked if I could come right over to have an interview with Lucy's parents.

My mom, Ann, and I jumped in the car and went to Lucy's house. The couple was so nice. Beautiful home, beautiful furnishings and beautiful Lucy. She was so cute and so happy to see us. We all fell in love with her. After several hours of making sure we were the right people to take precious Lucy they handed her over to us along with her bowls, food, and a few more of Lucy's belongings. LUCY WAS OURS! We were so happy! The lady cried. I told her I could give her my phone number so she could visit or just check on her. The lady decided it would be too hard.

We took Lucy home. We had so much fun with her. She would play and make us laugh. A month went by and one day I opened the door to get the mail and Lucy jetted. She ran and ran. I scanned the streets, made signs, sat outside for hours waiting for Lucy to come back. I called, I wrote ads, I did everything I could to find her. She was gone. Lucy was wearing the cutest pink outfit and a $45.00 Coach collar. OHHH Lucy better come back!

We cried, we felt so bad. The kids missed her. I missed her.

It's been 3 years. Tonight, I saw my friend Ann and we were talking. She stopped in the middle of her sentance and said..."Do you know what? Lucy's parents are sitting at their dinner table right now so comfortable knowing that they made the right decision to give Lucy to you. They gave us a 2 hours interview and cried when Lucy left." WOW, I didn't think about Lucy in a long time. She took off and didn't even leave a thank you note for the nice collar she took with her.


Alisa said...

Oh, that's terrible! I don't remember Lucy - I guess her stay was too short-lived for me to even have heard about her!

I wouldn't worry about her - she was smart enough to take off with a Coach collar, she's probably pawned it and is living high on the hog. Poodles don't eat much.

Dennis said...

Ungrateful dog. You'd think she'd write to tell you how she is.......or ask for money.