Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's that Time of the Year Again!

It was that time of the year. I hate going to the movies. I hate popcorn. The smell of it makes me sick. The seats that no one cleans and everyone puts their heads on it. Lice, unshampooed hair, hair grease, gel and who knows what else. It turns me off. The sticky floor, the LOUD speakers and the 80 previews they show before the movie makes me not want to go. My husband LOVES the movies and has seen just about every single one of them. We are opposites. Not only in that department but this is the department we're talking about.
I love Tyler Perry movies and a new one just came out. I had to see it. We went. There were 4 people in the show and that included us. I like it that way.
I sat there. The theater said the movie starts at 6:05 but the movie didn't start until almost 6:30. I'm not patient. My back hurts me to sit in one place for long. I forgot since the last time I went to the movies (a year ago) that the show time on Movie Fone doesn't mean the movie starts at that exact time. I made a mental note of it.
The movie was great. A true chick flick. Nice and slow with a great girlie plot, a romance and a few sad parts. I shed 2 tears because the movie was touching.
I never understood why people still stay in their seats while the credits are running. Are they trying to get the most for their money? As soon as the movie ends I'm outta there.
So, next time I go to the movies which will most likely be Fall of 2009 I will make sure I don't show up 10 minutes early to see the "PLEASE SILENCE YOUR PHONE" ad 30 times.
Go see the movie! I give it two boobies up.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Euwww - I forgot about the lice.

I LOVE going to the movies. It's one of my favorite things to do. I'm not sure which I enjoy more, the popcorn or the actual film. I think they're tied.

I assume you see 99% of your movies on DVD. For some reason I don't have much patience for that anymore. Maybe it's because the popcorn isn't as good.

Opposites attract when it comes to us!