Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My sister is getting wild!

My sister is usually quite reserved and always goes by the rules. I'm not saying it's bad but you just have to watch what you say around her because she just might get mad.
I swear, I spit, I burp, I eat meat...I do a ton of things I'm not supposed to do and I don't follow the norm. I'm a rebel and she's the exact opposite. Somehow we get along great and I consider her my bestest friend in the entire world. She always has great advice and she doesn't judge me. If I robbed a bank, killed 40 people and kidnapped 89 kids she would tell me she wasn't happy about it, make a joke about it but still keep on loving me. Unconditional love I tell ya!
One time at a club a guy touched my sisters boobs or butt (I can't remember) but she was real mad. I defended her and almost beat the shit outta the guy. I have felt the need to protect my sister because I've always thought of her as a fragile little flower. She can belt out a fart and she's missing a tooth but she's still my sister and I would kill someone over here. No doubt about it and no questions asked.
My sister is getting a little brave lately and letting loose. I heard her say about 4 bad words while I was visiting her 2 weeks ago and during my visit she did something that never in my entire life would expect her to do.
We were at the YMCA watching her daughter and cousin swim. We all went into the locker room so the kids could change their clothes and my neice climbed on top of the lockers and was just sitting there. We all laughed and called her a monkey. My neices cousin got on top of the lockers and we were all cracking up. What happened next made me laugh up a kidney. My sister who is so reserved, who drove 5 miles out of her city to make sure a mouse was taken to a field to be safe, who runs to the nail salon if her nail polish is chipped on the edge, climbed on top of the lockers too! I couldn't believe my eyes! She broke the YMCA rules! She did something dangerous! She was on top of the dusty locker! It wasn't clean! It wasn't safe! It wasn't right! I was shocked, amazed and scared for her. Did she know what she was doing? We were in the Young Man's Christian Association! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?
I bet she's going to buy a Harley, eat a pork sandwich and wear chaps without underwear next...you just watch.


Alisa said...

Hey, my new brown leather chaps without underwear is none of your business....oops.

I laughed until I cried (then I ran to the bathroom to check my mascara, it shouldn't run in public.)

Am I really that freaking proper?!

Diane said...

She may be reserved NOW but I can tell you stories from back in our younger WILD years. (Alisa don't worry I would never reveal a WORD because you have enough on me!)

Diane said...

I must add to my previous message - we were just young women having fun.
Like dropping our siblings off at a video arcade and hoping they would bond....HA!HA!