Monday, September 15, 2008

Now That Looks Like it Hurts!

I'm thinking that getting hit by an 18 wheeler that's going 70 mph on the freeway while you're crossing to the other side hurts. Having a piano fall on your head from 40 flights up would hurt too but none of those things compare to what happened to my little baby Bebe today.
Bebe needed his toenails cut and his ear hair plucked out and today was the day. If he knew what was going to happen to him this morning he wouldn't have gotten up so early. He woke up, took his morning stretch and followed me as I went into the bathroom. He loves to sit there and watch me naked. He might be the only one. As I got out of the shower he came over to the tub to lick the water that was left. AWWW how cute...he licks my bath water. Again...he might be the only one.
I was prepped and ready to go. Bebe was so happy to get in the car and go somewhere. He must have thought we were going to the mall or to get gas. Boy was he wrong.
I placed him in the Petsmart cart and until he got inside he was sitting there so nicely. He jumped up and demanded I hold him. I ditched the cart and walked with Bebe in my arms to the back of the store. The place he hates the most. The place where they administer pain. The place where the people aren't so nice. The place where they don't care.
Up on the platform where the doggies sit Bebe didn't want to go. He clung to me for life. He struggled to stay as close to me as he could. I had to let him go. First they gave him a nail clipping. He fought as hard as a 13 lb dog could. He wiggled, bit and cried. He got his nails cut anyway.
I am not happy with the way they do this at all and it kills me to see it and hear it but with Bebe being the Lhasa Apso that he is...he's going to have ear problems unless hair is taken out of his ears.
They put this stinky powder in his ears and literally pull the hair out with their fingers. Bebe cries, yelps and begs for them to stop. They have to hold him down. Crazy Glue and a vice couldn't hold him down. It took 2 men to attempt to do it and still he wouldn't let them. Bebe is a fighter. He finally lost the battle and had the hair pulled out. I had to wait outside. With my fingers in my ears. With my eyes shut. I could still hear him.
I went back in to get him. His eyes were red. He was panting and he looked like he was just in a fight with a 1,000 lb bear. Bebe was so happy to see me. He jumped in my arms and whispered in my ear "Bitch, if you ever make me go through that again - I'll kill you."


Alisa said...

He should have reached in with his little trimmed toenails and ripped every one of the hairs growing out of your ears.

Someone needs to anyway.


Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you Bebe. I am going to ask my Dr. if there is a way to stunt ear hair growth, and I will let you know. Well at least it is over FOR NOW.


Anonymous said...

awww pour bebe!!