Friday, September 12, 2008

Shop, Swipe and Go

I always thought you just needed one credit card. One with a high enough balance for a just in case or an I have to have it. I asked for one. I got it and then they just started appearing in my mailbox. I never asked for more. I guess Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express thought I should be a card carrying member. They knew what they were doing because as soon as I got a new card I would run. Not to the drawer to cut it up but to the store.

I got my first credit card when I was 16. I forged Geana's signature and made her my co-signer. She didn't know it - later found out and wasn't too happy. Remember Ton Sur Ton? Used? Damaged? Well, I thought I should have them too. Sax Fifth was thrilled to give me credit and I was happy to accept. I didn't have a job so when the bill came I threw it in the garbage. Years later when Geana decided to get a bank card with her checking account she found out. I think I was 30 by then. I had 6 credit cards, financed 3 cars and my credit was perfect. Sax was tired of asking for their money for 24 years and just gave up.

Now, credit cards are used more than money. I've tried paying with cash in several places. Sometimes the register didn't have change for my bill so I had to either write a check or pay by credit card.

It's a shame that credit cards are so lax these days. Swipe, sign and go. If your bill is under $25.00 you don't even have to sign at some places. This has become scarry. ANYONE can go to a gas station with any credit card and fill er up. You can go to Meijers, buy enough groceries to feed 3 pro football teams for a week and they won't ask you for ID. What happened to policy? I wrote on the back of my credit cards "CHECK ID" in the signature line and no one checks it. When I buy cigarettes for $4.25 they sometimes check my ID (because I look too young to smoke?) but when I fill my car up for $75.00 they don't ask to see a thing.

How did stores get so lazy with people's credit? Times are tough now, people are stealing and everything is so fast and rush rush plus it seems you can get away with too much. It's time to buckle down and teach these store clerks. Next time you pay with your credit card give them your license with it. Maybe they'll catch on.

Please read and sign here X_______________________________________

1 comment:

Diane said...

GOOD IDEA!! I agree with you - I have check id on my card and maybe every six months, someone will ask for ID!