Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Last week - I had the best day of my entire 40 years of life! I discovered Faygo (are you ready for this?) Lemonade & Iced Tea mixed!!!! Yes, you are reading right! It's true. I'm not making this up. When I saw the bottle I fainted. I got up. Looked at the bottle twice. Fainted again. Faygo's version of Arizona Iced Tea's Arnold Palmer. Hang on I feel another fainting spell phew...almost passed out again.
For those of you that don't know...I cannot have any caffeine. None. No chocolate, no coffee, no dark pop, no smoked foods (don't ask me-ask my doctor about that one), no hot tea, no hot get the point. I've suffered almost 15 years without having a piece of chocolate or tasted hot chocolate. My lips quiver for iced tea with a hint of mint. I would love to have a cup of coffee. I've never had Starbucks or those fancy shmancy drinks they serve. I've been deprived. Maybe it's good. I don't know what I'm missing. Sure there is herbal teas but nothing compares to the taste of just plain ole tea with some honey in it when you're sick.
Kraft made Postum (a coffee substitute) but just when I discovered it about 3 years ago...they took it off the shelf. DAMN!
Back to the Faygo Lemonade/Iced Tea mouth is watering. Wasn't Faygo cheap? It's $1.49 for a 2 liter but that doesn't stop me. I love it. It's so good. I bet it tastes nothing like a real Arnold Palmer but I'll never know what a real one tastes like anyway. This new Faygo is caffeine free and that's all I care about.
There is one problem. You can only buy it in Detroit. You can't find it anywhere in these parts. I don't mind. Some people drive to Detroit for their hair care products because there isn't any good beauty supply stores around here. Some people drive to Detroit for drugs but I drive there for Faygo. I buy 4 2 liters and one little bottle. I drink the little bottle on the way home. I put my 2 liters in the seat next to me and put the seat belt on them. God forbid anything happen to them.
I remember my Aunt Sharon LOVED Faygo Peach pop. She hated the carbonation so she would stir and stir the pop in her glass so the fizz would go away. Then she found Hi-C Peach drink. No carbonation with the peach flavor. She was so happy (like I feel right now) they discontinued that flavor. I felt so bad for her.
My grandparents would buy seltzer water. They would deliver it to the house (I think) and it would squirt out of a cool metal spout. The bottles were recycled. I remember they used to drink it and burp so loud the curtains would blow like a 180 mph wind passed by. Seltzer water in the fancy glass bottle became too expensive so they stopped buying it. They had blinds on the window by then but I'm sure the burps that were belted out would have bent the blinds sideways.
Faygo was always a side item to all of the Cokes and Pepsi's. I think now it's becoming more popular than it ever was. It must be if they can charge $1.49 for it when Coke and Pepsi products are only .99 cents.
Since all of my favorites get taken off the shelf or discontinued I decided to dedicate 1/2 of my garage to Faygo Iced Tea/Lemonade. The car can stay outside. The lawn mower, snow blower and bikes can sit out all winter. Too bad my safe isn't big enough and refrigerated because I would put it in there. My own private stock.


Dennis said...

Too funny. Reminds me of Dave Chapelle's routine about grape juice and grape drink; "it tastes like purple".

Anonymous said...

I still stir and stir whenever I drink pop, if I don't I immediately get the hic-ups. I would love to have just one more taste of peach Hi-C just one more taste

Peachy Auntie