Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cheap Viagra

I'm tired of getting junk mail. I set my preferences to avoid spam but it keeps on coming through. They know my name, my address and the fact that I would like my penis enlarged. No, I don't have a penis. If I did have one...I don't think I would let a spam e-mail talk me into buying those pills. Hopefully, if I had a penis it would be a big one.
Today while cleaning I would take breaks and sit at my computer desk. All day long I received these e-mails:
Book a Myrtle Beach golf package, get a gas card.
Eliminate Debt today
Get a rich beautiful lawn. As seen on TV
Get a cash advance online now
Regain your confidence with medical hair restoration
Save 70% on life insurance
Discover how you can live until 150
Become a Google Millionaire
and my favorite
Get cash for your unwanted jewelry
What idiot would put their jewelry in an envelope in hopes of getting money back- let alone your jewelry! I'm going to put some bubble gum machine rings and necklaces in an envelope and mail it to them tomorrow. Let's see how long I have to wait to get that fat check.
I'm going to open a P.O. box under the name - Phil A. Mignon - E-mail millions of people with the title: SEND IN YOUR WINNING LOTTERY TICKETS AND I'LL PAY YOU DOUBLE!
You guys can sit there and laugh all you want but I bet at least 10 people out of a million will send me their winning tickets.
Anyone want to go partners with me? I have several names you can pick from.
Crystal Stemware
Curt Sanway
Gabe Barr
Sadie Word
D. John Mustard
Uben Hadd
Freida Convict
Let me know if you're interested!


Dennis said...

What woman couldn't use a larger penis? ;) Even if they say it doesn't matter.

There are two main reasons you get spam, 1) you ordered something from an online store and you inadvertently signed up for mailings, or 2) someone in your household has visited an unseemly website that has glommed onto your address; have you been a bad girl?

Where do I send the jewelry?

Alisa said...

You'll pay DOUBLE for my winning lottery tickets? Where do I send 'em? I could use the money!

Dave said...

You don't need to do anything to get spam. There are "bots" out there that send junk to millions of random addresses. Any address they don't get a "bounce" from, they know it's being used and put in on the list for future spamming. No porn site expoloration needed. :)