Monday, October 20, 2008

Driving While Speaking English

You cannot purchase cigarettes on Friday night or Saturday in Israel. It's like trying to buy crack from McDonalds. VERY against the law.
There was an undercover cigarette house outside of the city we were staying at. The brother of the host Israeli family I was staying with had a car. He gave me the keys and told me where to go to buy the hush hush cigarettes for Holly. Holly and I were in the car driving and following the directions. The police had their sirens on behind me. I did something wrong but I had no idea what it was. I must have went through the stop sign that I didn't know was a stop sign.
The police got out of his car and came to my side of the door. I pulled out my American license and passport. He was talking in Hebrew. I didn't understand him. He didn't understand me. He looked at my license and passport. He couldn't read english. He got in his car and drove away. I waited thinking the was going to bring back someone to talk to me in english but he never came back.

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