Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Orgasmic Apple

Today Auntie Sharon, my mom and I had lunch together at Nordstroms. I didn't have my usual tuna sandwich. I tried a salad that my mom and aunt said was "SO good!" The shrimp was good but the salad...boring. But the company I was with made it outstanding!
After lunch we took a spin around the mall and my favorite auntie bought me a carmel apple. This wasn't just your everyday carmel apple this was a $7.00 carmel apple. One bite was all it took. From the tips of my teeth down to the tips of my toes tingled. The carmel was SO GOOD! It was the best darn apple I've ever had in my entire life. I think they put the apple on the plane from Fuji, strapped it in the seat and sent it first class to me. The juice was pure apple. The carmel was hand churned from the finest butter and sugar straight from the cane in Africa. They should have served this apple on a gold plated diamond studded fine piece of China. The Smithsonian only wished it could showcase the likes of this golden treasure.
I forgot the name of the place but for $7.00 they will never see me again. I don't think I will ever in life enjoy a carmel apple this much again.
Thanks to Auntie Sharon for giving me a memory I shall never forget.


Alisa said...

Mmmm. My mouth is watering thinking about that apple. $7.00 seems like quite a bargain the way you described it. Are you sure it wasn't really $700.00?

Unfortunately my poor front tooth has just jumped up and run away out of fear of that apple.

Dennis said...

I've paid more than $7.00 for a carmel apple. Hard to eat when i take my dentures out though.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoyed the same carmel apple sooo much, it was a bit of heaven right here on earth. I finished eating my apple in the car on the way home and made quite a mess, oh well it was worth it.
Good lunch great company

Auntie Sharon