Saturday, October 25, 2008


My neice called me today to tell me she's getting a cell phone. She was so happy for herself and the entire store at Toys R Us was happy for her too. I was so happy for her I think I might have congratulated her a little too loudly. It's ok. People smiled at me and pointed and said "awww look at that deaf slow person."

It brought back fond memories of my first cell phone. It was very large. You couldn't take a picture or text with it. You could barely finish a sentance without being disconnected. I had dropped calls left and right and got 25 minutes a month. We've come a long way.

During our conversationshe told me that I'm going to be the first person she calls when she gets it. I know I'm a cool aunt and she just made me feel 400% times cooler.

She just called me a second ago. My little 10 year old neice told me she would call me right back because her battery is low and she has to plug it in the car charger and will call me back. I wonder why they gave a 10 year old a car charger. They should have given her a bluetooth so she could look at least 12.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Yep, Maddie has joined the wireless world! They gave her a car charger for free cuz they mistakenly told us the phone would be free after rebate and it turned out to be $25. I made a little face and they were nice enough to give us a freebee.