Monday, October 13, 2008


I just got back from a rip roarin' good time in Toledo. I jumped in the car on Sunday night and by my lonesome drove to Toledo. I hear you asking "why Toledo?" My answer is "Obama was there."

I got a room and layed back and relaxed. The room was totally gross. I should have known by the filthy elevator and the desk clerk's bad attitude but I had no other choice. Since I know nothing about Toledo and where the decent hotels are I had to rest my head at this dump. Obama was in the dump's conference center so this was the easiest place for me to stay.

I woke up at 6 a.m. tied up my gym shoes and pounded the pavement for 8 hours pushing my Obama pins.

I learned a lot about people in Toledo. The ones that attend Obama Rallys are cheap and rude. The police are very nice and the store owners are sweet as pie but the people in general were SO rude. I would be too if I lived in Toledo. There is nothing there. The entire city of Toledo was closed by 5 p.m. Sunday night and the only person I saw to ask any questions was little miss attitude desk clerk and two little girls peddling free "Homes for Rent" magazines for $1.00 - from a suitcase.

I witnessed 2 guys get tazered, the police jump into a lady's mini van and drive it down the street while the lady was at the ATM. I got searched by a male cop (he didn't touch me) but asked me to lift my shirt up to my rib cage. I told him I haven't seen or knew I had a rib cage since 1982. Security was so tight at this rally. Obama talked and the people flew out of the convention center like roaches when you turn the light on. That's when these cheap MF's started buying stuff.

I made a nice amount of money after all and drove home happy I don't live in Toledo.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

The cop was just trying to get a cheap thrill. He knows he can't ask you to do that without "probable cause". It's guaranteed by the fourth amendment.

That's rght. Bush suspended the constitution after 9/11; I forgot. Maybe our man Barack can get it restored?