Friday, October 10, 2008

Excuse Me, Are You Going to be Drinking That?

I was at the casino last night. I saw something that made me throw up a little.
They don't let the homeless in because they beg for money, cigarettes, and stand over you watching you play which makes your gambling experience kinda not fun.
I have no idea how this guy got in. He was there sucking on the ice cubes of anything that looked like an alcoholic drink and picking cigarette butts out of the ashtray. He was picky about the butts he would take. He only took the ones that had at least 3 puffs left and he would put them in his pocket. He wasn't so picky about the drinks. He would slurp on any ice cube he could find.
I don't know if this guy was hungry or not. He must have been very thirsty! I'm more than sure the casino throws out a ton of food. If he is willing to drink out of anybody's glass I can bet he would eat anything off of anybody's plate. I wonder why they don't just save all of the leftovers and feed the homeless.
I think I'll write them a letter and ask.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

The sign in the casino men's room says, 'don't throw cigarettes into the urinals, it makes them soggy and difficult to light".

Hmmmmm, why is there no frosting on urinal cakes? Hostess would make them.