Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey Anonymous!

"People are not may be though..."

Whomever wrote that come forward and let yourself be known. You know what they say about people that write mean letters and send them anonymously don't you? Since you're ignorant let me school you a bit.

Chickens and pussies hide behind paper, computers and phone calls because they aren't man or woman enough to tell someone to their face what they really feel.

So, which one are you? A chicken a pussy or both? Didn't your mommy give you enough attention when you were young? Got beat up alot in school? Closet homo? Raped, beaten or talked down to your whole entire life?

My blog is for people that have positive comments or something funny to say. I may be dumb but if I have something to say...YOU better believe I will tell you or anyone else to their face. If ya know'll understand. If you don't know me...come forth and let me tell ya a little something.

I'm not mad, angry or hurt. I feel sorry for you. That's my way of thinking. If someone is negitive it means something is wrong with them and they have to make other people feel just as bad as them. Misery loves company. I'm sorry you feel that way about me.
Can someone pray for this ignorant ass loser?


Dave said...

Yes, whoever did that was certainly cowardly. I have had comments like that too.

If you like you can go into the blog settings and prohibit anonymous postings.

Anonymous said...

Wow are you angry. Your title stated "People are Dumb". Sorry I read your words and replied. Very vile are you. I will never respond again or read. I will light a candle for you.