Friday, October 17, 2008


In the middle of the night Briana was standing next to my bed crying. I woke up and saw her standing there. She didn't want to wake me up so she thought by just standing there crying I would wake myself up.
Her throat hurt, she had a fever and her face was swollen. We took her to the hospital. They told her she just had a sore throat and sent us home.
This morning Briana was standing at my bedside crying again. I gave her medicine, tea, cold water, she gargled with salt water but nothing seemed to help. I took her to the doctor.
She has Strep Throat. Why the hospital didn't see it 3 hours earlier I have no clue. The hospital took a throat culture and said she didn't have it. Her doctor took a culture and in 3 seconds said she has it.
So, my totally bandaged toe that hurts like it's been ran over by tires with razor blades 53 times limped to the pharmacy to get her popcycles, antibiotics, Tylenol and a Slurpie. My pain comes second.
Right from my appointment I had to hobble to hers and to 2 stores and I just took my shoe off and my bandage is full of blood. I think I will sit down now and hope someone else can come home soon and take care of Briana.
She sleeps then wakes up crying because she has to stay home instead of playing in her volleyball tournament tomorrow. What a trooper!


Alisa said...

Oh, Briana! Tell her I hope she feels better asap!

Dennis said...

What a dedicated parent you are. After you treat Briana to a second Slurpie you should treat yourself to a sizzurp; you doctor can Rx it and you won't notice the pain in your foot.

Anonymous said...

I hope Briana feels better real soon.
Pam, I hope your poor little toes heal real fast, that is a very painful things to go through. When next summer comes buy yourself a real great pair of flip-flops Auntie