Monday, October 6, 2008

Just a Little Gross

Today I cleaned out my clothes closet. It took me all day. I folded up all the summer clothes and put them in storage and out came the winter clothes. While looking through my last years items I came across a bunch of purses. Some I haven't used in years. I thought I should just throw them out. I was digging through about 10 purses seeing what I left behind from years ago.
I found a reciept from 2003 in one of them and in the little side zipper compartment I found 6 pieces of gum balls all individually wrapped. YUM! I haven't been able to find this gum in years. It's called Tongue Splashers and I would buy them at Sam's Club in a huge container.

I was so happy to see the red and purple gum from 2003 and popped a gum ball in my mouth. After I cracked 3 teeth and broke my jaw I'm still chewing and it's pretty darn good. I'm going to save the other 5 pieces for a special occasion.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I read this post and thought you might have made up the brand name for the gum you know, in honor of your next door neighbor. I looked it up and found that it's a real name and you can still buy it.