Thursday, October 16, 2008

This Little Piggy Went to the Market

I'm having a bit of trouble with my toe. I've had 3 ingrown toenails removed over the years. Twice on my left big toe and once on the right. Tomorrow I'm going to get the right one done again. I refuse to let them put that yuck yuck in my toe crevice so the nail won't grow anymore. I love flip-flops and pedicures way too much. Do you think a pedicure will be cheaper with only 9 toes? I don't even want to find out cuz I'm keeping my toenails right were they're supposed to be.

It's not going to be pretty that's why I've waited until the end of toeless shoe season. I'm no dummy.

This is a painful procedure. Even tho they inject your toe 4 times with a numbing serum you can still feel it. I'm no stranger with needles. Seems like my injections are never in nice places.

I get 2 monthly shots in my spine.
I get ear infections once a year (usually in January) the doctor has to give me a shot in my ear to put a tube in and then 3 months later another injection to take the tube out.
My toe shots. 4 of them.

Whatever happened to the days when you just got a shot in the butt and went on your merry way? I wish it was that easy cuz I have a ton of cushion on my butt but none in my spine, ear or toe.

I was just prepping for surgery tomorrow. Shaving my legs, removing my toenail polish and getting ready mentally for the pain.

How did I get ready mentally? I went out and bought myself a new purse. When the doctor hurts me I can hit him over the head with it.

Wish me luck! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!


Alisa said...

LOL!!!!!!! I hope you got a giant Louis Vuitton with lots of metal buckles - that'll show the podiatrist!

Dave said...

Too funny about the purse. May I suggest filling it with lead shot and a couple old hammers?