It's not going to be pretty that's why I've waited until the end of toeless shoe season. I'm no dummy.
This is a painful procedure. Even tho they inject your toe 4 times with a numbing serum you can still feel it. I'm no stranger with needles. Seems like my injections are never in nice places.
I get 2 monthly shots in my spine.
I get ear infections once a year (usually in January) the doctor has to give me a shot in my ear to put a tube in and then 3 months later another injection to take the tube out.
My toe shots. 4 of them.
Whatever happened to the days when you just got a shot in the butt and went on your merry way? I wish it was that easy cuz I have a ton of cushion on my butt but none in my spine, ear or toe.
I was just prepping for surgery tomorrow. Shaving my legs, removing my toenail polish and getting ready mentally for the pain.
How did I get ready mentally? I went out and bought myself a new purse. When the doctor hurts me I can hit him over the head with it.
Wish me luck! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!
LOL!!!!!!! I hope you got a giant Louis Vuitton with lots of metal buckles - that'll show the podiatrist!
Too funny about the purse. May I suggest filling it with lead shot and a couple old hammers?
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