Friday, October 10, 2008

Could it Get Worst?

We met at Friday's when I was around 23 years old. He was so cute! He asked for my phone number. I couldn't write it down fast enough. He called me that night. We talked for hours. He asked me out for the next night. The entire next day I prepped for that evening. He parked in front of my house, came to the door and asked if I was ready to go. Was I ready?!?! I needed 3 more days to prep for this guy. He was that good looking! As we exited I looked at the car he was driving. A old one. DAMN! I wasn't too happy. (It was a classic 1968 GTO what did I know about classic cars?) Shiny from the rims to the roof. He must have spent the day waxing and polishing his baby up. I wasn't too happy to get in his car since it was old. I offered to drive my car (a newer Honda) because I didn't know if his old car would get us to where we were going. LMAO! He then told me the story of his car and how he had it brought here from Florida and it's never seen a winter blah blah blah old car this and classic car that....he drove.

We went to Greektown for dinner and then to the race strip on French Road so he could show off his beauty (me and the car) and race the strip to show off. It was kinda fun. All of his friends were there with their classic cars and dates. We didn't end up being in the race because I didn't feel like going to the hospital that night. Around 2 a.m. we got back to my house. We talked in the car for awhile then I asked him in. We watched TV and I was getting really tired. I layed on the floor of the living room on my stomach and he layed his head on my back. He wouldn't leave and I didn't want to ask him to go. We had such a nice time together I hated to see the night end.

I fell asleep. I farted. The fart woke me up. I died. I looked at him and prayed he was sleeping too but no such luck. He looked at me and said "I guess we're going to be together forever now." We dated for 4 years.


Alisa said...

Rats, you finally went public with that story and now I have nothing on you!

Dave said...

That's hilarious! The whole Chicago contingent here is LOAO!!!!

Dennis said...

Love the story, but you could have softened up the language a liitle. I like the terms, "one gun salute" or "butt trumpet" over your choice.