During the day we would have fun too. We had games like "fifth floor please" when my sister would lay down on the floor on her back and I would stand on her hands and she would lift me. We would laugh so hard. I would love to play that game with her now. HA HA HA
She would play Monopoly with me. I didn't know the value of money. If I owed her fifty dollars she would say give me a blue one.
Our Papa gave us a tape recorded and my sister and I would sit by the HiFi and record Casey Kasem's Top 40 songs and dance our little hearts out. That same tape recorder gave us hours of fun doing "INTERVIEWS!" Again...don't ask.
When our cousins would come over we would all go downstairs and play in our basement. We would tip the toy box over and do magic shows. It was a real treat when our cousins would come over or we would go to their house. Some of the best times were held at Bubbie and Papa's house. They had a clown figurine. That thing scared everyone. It had a devilish grin on its face. It was see through with all sorts of colors running through it and looked wicked. Whenever we would sleep at Bubbie and Papa's house we would make Bubbie take it out of the room.
Upstairs in the attic at Bubbie and Papa's house - Papa had a poster of a naked woman (I think just her boobs were showing) and we weren't allowed upstairs. We would sneek up there anyway. Bubbie used to keep games on the attic stairs so we didn't have to go up there to get them. The house was in Detroit. One day we were playing Tug of War with the garden hose with the kids that lived next door. It was fun until Bubbie told us not to play that anymore. Why? Not because we might break her hose but because the kids next door were black.
I had that poster too.
I beg to differ about the reason for the tug-'o-war stoppage. Bubbie got along fine with the neighbors. Even I would tell my grandkids not to play with the hose like that.
Anyway, thanks for redeeming yourself with this blog post. I wasn't so bad after all, was I? And neither were you. :-)
Sheesh. I just said "my grandkids." I don't think I've ever said those two words together before. They are a bit daunting.
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