Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Devils Night!

When I was younger Devil's Night was the best night of the year. My friends and I would egg someone's house, TP some trees and whatever else that was harmless to the other person but fun to us.
We never set houses on fire. We never even thought about it. Getting a dozen eggs was exciting enough.
I can't wait to listen to the news tonight. There are so many homes in foreclosure and so many business's doing bad. I'm expecting to see a ton of arsons on the news.
When your insurance goes up because people want to blow their cars up because they can't afford the payments...don't blame me. If you see egg on your car...blame me.


Alisa said...

Do you know that people in the Chicago area have never heard of Devil's Night? I used to think that everyone set houses on fire on October 30. Not so.

Then again, the people of Chicago have never heard of Coney Island, either. So I guess we're not so smart, are we?

Dave said...

I remember some wild Devil's Nights. I remember Brian Elias nailing a police car with an egg. That was a bad idea.