Monday, October 20, 2008

Now that Hurt!

Today was the worst day of pain in my natural born life. I've waited 40 years to experience it. I have NEVER in life felt so much pain before. I think getting all of my teeth pulled minus a numbing shot then getting my eyes ripped out of my head with pliers and going through a woodchipper while I was on fire would have felt better.
I went to the pain clinic. The place you go to so you won't be in pain. Who said "No gain?" I want to kill them. The title "Pain Clinic" is no joke. They do give you pain.
It's bad enough to know what you're going in there for but even worst that they make you wait. You sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes and then pay them to make you feel worst than when you walked in.
Today I had 4 pain shots right in my spine. Usually I only get two. Today I ripped the table off the legs. I think I kicked the doctor. I tore the paper pillow into confetti. All while the doctor was saying "just relax." HA! The nerve of him! I asked him if he ever got 4 shots in his spine and he said "no." I told him to try it and see if he could relax. He rubbed my hair. Stroked my back. Told me to relax and open my eyes but no matter what you say or's going to hurt. No, it's going to KILL! I thought I had a heart attack because when I got up my chest hurt. I couldn't walk. I had to lay there. The needle isn't whimpy and they inject a lot of medicine into me. Medicine that will only last for 3 days. Is it worth it? You bet your sweet ass it is. Being pain free for 3 days is a big deal for me and if it takes one entire day of recovery for those three days...I take it.
So, each time he injects the medicine into me I can feel the fluid running through my veins down to my toes. VERY irratating feeling.
Well, that's over and I'm home recovering - waiting for tomorrow so I can be pain free. My next appointment is December 1st and I'll go through the same thing again. I'm going to buy brass knuckles and steel toe boots. That should make the doctor think twice.


Anonymous said...

Don't kick the messenger.

Dennis said...

I don't think it's the "nerve of the doctor" that's the issue. It's your nerves.

Hope you feel better soon.