Tuesday, October 7, 2008

People are SO DUMB!

Remember I told you that I cleaned out my closet? Well, there was a ton of things I didn't want anymore. I bagged it up and put an ad on Craigslist.
The ad read:
[Title] Plus Size Women's Clothing sz 16-20 + 2 pair of boots.
[AD] Lots of nice and very gently worn clothing. I have a stuffed black garbage bag full plus 2 pairs of black boots. One pair is knee high suede - the other pair are ankle high leather. Priorty given to the person that can pick up soon. Tonight is garbage night and I hate to throw these great clothes away. No questions, take the entire bag and please show up if you say you will. 14/Northwestern area. Please be able to use Mapquest. Thanks!
Easy right? I came home and checked my e-mail and had over 50 replies. I opened every single e-mail to see who would need the clothes the most. 48 of the e-mails had a question when I specifically said "NO QUESTIONS." One lady asked "where are you located?" The posting said 14/Northwestern area. I deleted all of the e-mails and gave the clothes to one woman that said "I am starting a new job and cannot afford to buy new clothes. I live by the zoo. I can throw my kids in the car and be right over. I don't care what size the boots are because I'm desperate."
I put the clothes on the porch for her to pick up. If I see one article of my clothing on Ebay I'm knocking on all the doors by the zoo and kicking some ass.


Alisa said...

Very nice! I'm sure you helped that lady a lot and that is great!

But one question: how do you expect someone to pick up the clothes from your house if all they know is 14 and Northwestern and you won't answer their question??!

Dennis said...

I drove around for hours and couldn't find you. I think I can wear that size.

Dennis said...


Dennis said...

Your time stam is off by 4 hours.

Anonymous said...

People are not dumb...you may be though...

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should of walked over to donation box, any center would of received them.