Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Person Next Door

The guy next door is a playboy. He used to be married but his wife left him and moved to Texas less than a year ago. The second her last suitcase was packed in the car - the other girl started coming over and spending the night.

Mr. Next Door (can't say his name) started having parties until wee hours of the morning. Music loud, his friends drinking and laughing and the girls giggling like teenagers. After awhile I started to mind because his bonfires would start to stink and blow through my windows. I didn't say anything to him.

Mr. Next Door began to take a real interest in his lawn and with that he would leave his tree trimmings, grass clippings and refuse bags around and it would all blow to my house. Again...I didn't say anything.

Mr. Next Door borrowed my large dog crate and finally returned it because the wife took the dog. The crate came back with the floor chewed up. He offered to buy a new one. I didn't need a new one. He bought it anyway.

I guess it was his last party of the year. He had them every weekend. I don't know why he had to host all the time but they were there and the music was blasting. It was 3 a.m. and I looked out my bedroom window. My window looks out to his yard. I saw his new girlfriend giving him a blow job, outside, bonfire light showing him sitting with his head back on a lounge chair and her going to town.

Yesterday, I saw her moving her things into his house.


Dave said...

...because she sounds like a keeper! :)

Alisa said...

I'd get some Ambien if I were you!

Dennis said...

My next door neighbor had a next door neighbor like that.