Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yet Another Candy Apple Story

I was entered into a slot tournament at the casino. They gave out halloween candy to all of the participants and the casino workers wore costumes. Kinda dumb because everyone in the casino is 21 and over. I thought it was stupid. Pumpkins and flowers were everywhere and they played the dumb Halloween music. I guess the tournament was Halloween themed. To was a waste of money. My money.
I lost in the tournament. They picked 50 of the top scorers to give cash prizes to. I didn't make it in the top 50.
What I did get was a candy apple.
I love candy apples.
My grandfather would buy them for me when I was younger but he called them "Apple Suckers." My mom calls them apple suckers too.
I told my mom. If candy is on a stick it's called a sucker. If an apple is on a stick it's an apple sucker but if meat is on a stick it's called shish-kabob not a meat sucker.


Dave said...

Good point about the suckers.

Dennis said...

Or a corn dog. Too bad you aren't a bank. You could get some of the bail out loot for your losses.

Alisa said...

I've never heard the term "apple sucker." Are you sure we have the same grandfather?

Tears come out of my surgically-altered front teeth when I think about caramel apples. And my dentist would stab with me a titanium implant if I even considered eating one. But they sure are good!

Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant I craved candied apples, of course x wouldn't go out and get me one, but Papa would run to the store and bring several back. Thanks for reminding me of that.
